Upgrade to Exchange 2016

Upgrade from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2016

Exchange 2016 with HA


  1. Upgrade from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010
    1. Decommission Exchange 2003
  2. Upgrade Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016
    1. Decommission Exchange 2010

High Level Deployment Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010

exchange server coexistence


  1. Gather information for Exchange 2003 environment
  2. Prepare Domain Environment for Exchange Migration
    1. Exchange Servers
    2. Active Directory
    3. Email Client
  3. Verify the target server meets system requirements. For Exchange 2010
  4. Install Exchange 2010 Multi-Role Server
    1. Configure Exchange Coexistence between 2003 and 2010
    2. Configure Exchange internal and External URLs
    3. Configure Exchange Certificate
    4. Configure outlook anywhere
    5. Configure Service Connection Point
  5. Migrate Mailboxes to Exchange 2010
  6. Client Access namespace Cutover
  7. Mail flow Cutover
  8. Migrating Mailboxes
  9. Public Folder Migration if exist
  10. Decommissioning Exchange 2003


High Level Deployment Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016


exchange server coexistence


  1. Prepare System prerequisites
  2. Prepare Environment for Exchange 2016
    1. Verify SSL Certificate
    2. Review Client Access namespace
    3. Review additional information
    4. Update Outlook client to the latest Service Pack and Public Update
  3. Install the first mailbox Server
  4. Configure Client Access Services
  5. Configure mailbox Database
    1. Create Exchange 2016 mailbox
    2. Configure default offline address book
  6. Configure Coexistence
    1. Configure Exchange internal and External URLs
    2. Configure Exchange Certificate
    3. Configure outlook anywhere
    4. Configure Service Connection Point
  7. Install 2nd Mailbox Server
  8. Configure Database Availability group for Exchange 2016
  9. Client Access namespace Cutover
  10. Mail flow Cutover
  11. Migrating Mailboxes
  12. Public Folder Migration if exist
  13. Configure  Load Balancer for high availability (Hardware, software, DNS)
  14. Decommission Legacy Exchange Servers
  15. Perform Health check
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