For installing Exchange server 2013, download the leatest version of Exchange 2013
Before you begin you should consider the following:
- Servers roles installation permissions
- Mailbox
- Local Administrator, Enterprise Administrator, Schema Administrator
- Client Access
- Local Administrator, Organization Management
- Edge Transport
- Local Administrator
- Mailbox
- Active Directory schema update
- SSL Certificates
- Third-party certificates (Public CA), Private certificates (internal CA), Self-signed certificates
- Split domain name service (DNS)
- local
- com
- Supported clients
- Outlook 2013 (15.0.4420.1017)
- Outlook 2010 Service Pack 1 with the Outlook 2010 November 2012 update (14.0.6126.5000).
- Outlook 2007 Service Pack 3 with the Outlook 2007 November 2012 update (12.0.6665.5000).
- Entourage 2008 for Mac, Web Services Edition
- Outlook for Mac 2011
Exchange Server 2013 server deployment goes through three stages.
- Preparing Active Directory
- Installing the Exchange 2013 pre-requisites
- Running Exchange 2013 setup
Preparing Schecma and Active Directory
When you are installing Exchange Server 2013 for the first time the Active Directory needs to be prepared.
At least one Global catalog server and one Domain controller per site, Forest functional mode of Windows Server 2003 or higher, An account with Schema Admins, Domain Admins, and Enterprise Admins permissions to run Exchange setup
Before you prepare your AD for Exchange server , you have to install RSAT-ADDS tools
For Windows Server 2012, in PowerShell run:
Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS
Preparing Steps:
- Preparing Schema (First Time installation)
Setup.exe /PrepareSchema /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms
- Preparing AD
If an Exchange organization already exists you can omit the /OrganizationName parameter.
Setup.exe /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:"<organization name>" /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms
- Preparing Domain
Setup.exe /PrepareAllDomains /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms
Installing the Exchange 2013 pre-requisites
Mailbox server role or (Multirole Server Client Access and Mailbox Server) prerequisite
- Install windows Role and Feature (server 2012 /2012 R2)
Run the following command in PowerShell
Install-WindowsFeature AS-HTTP-Activation, Desktop-Experience, NET-Framework-45-Features, RPC-over-HTTP-proxy, RSAT-Clustering, RSAT-Clustering-CmdInterface, RSAT-Clustering-Mgmt, RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell, Web-Mgmt-Console, WAS-Process-Model, Web-Asp-Net45, Web-Basic-Auth, Web-Client-Auth, Web-Digest-Auth, Web-Dir-Browsing, Web-Dyn-Compression, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Http-Redirect, Web-Http-Tracing, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console, Web-Metabase, Web-Mgmt-Console, Web-Mgmt-Service, Web-Net-Ext45, Web-Request-Monitor, Web-Server, Web-Stat-Compression, Web-Static-Content, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-WMI, Windows-Identity-Foundation
Restart the server.
- Needed Software
Install the following software in this order.
- Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 Runtime
- Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Pack 64 bit
- Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Pack SP1 64 bit
- Microsoft office 2012 Filter Pack SP2 64 bit
Client Access server role prerequisites
- Install windows Role and Feature
Run the following command in PowerShell
Install-WindowsFeature AS-HTTP-Activation, Desktop-Experience, NET-Framework-45-Features, RPC-over-HTTP-proxy, RSAT-Clustering, RSAT-Clustering-CmdInterface, RSAT-Clustering-Mgmt, RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell, Web-Mgmt-Console, WAS-Process-Model, Web-Asp-Net45, Web-Basic-Auth, Web-Client-Auth, Web-Digest-Auth, Web-Dir-Browsing, Web-Dyn-Compression, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Http-Redirect, Web-Http-Tracing, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console, Web-Metabase, Web-Mgmt-Console, Web-Mgmt-Service, Web-Net-Ext45, Web-Request-Monitor, Web-Server, Web-Stat-Compression, Web-Static-Content, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-WMI, Windows-Identity-Foundation
Restart the server
- Software needed
Running Exchange 2013 setup
From the location where you have stored your Exchange 2013 files run Setup.exe.
Check for updates to the setup files before you proceed.
Click Next to continue past the Introduction message.
Accept the license agreement and click Next to continue.
Choose whether or not to enable Error Reporting and click Next to continue.
Choose the server roles to install. If this is the first server you’re installing Microsoft recommends you install the Mailbox server role first (this can be either a Mailbox-only server or a combined Mailbox/Client Access server).
Verify disk space for the installation, and choose the installation path, and click Next to continue.
When installing the Mailbox server role you are given the option to disable malware protection. If you disable it now you can enable it again later.
If this is the not the first server you’re installing and there is no Send Connector defined for outbound email then you may see a warning, but you can still proceed with the server installation.
When you are ready to proceed you can click Install to begin.
When setup has finished click Finish then Reboot the Server.
After rebooting your server you have to Configure Exchange Server
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